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I'm Elyse. I love what I do.

What is that? Well, let's see if I can sum it up.



I grew up in small towns around Colorado, moving quite a bit as a kid. Moving often meant I needed to be outgoing or be a loner, I chose the first. I was always the kid who got busted for talking too much in class. Oops. I've always been creative too; DIY projects were my gig even as a kid, so I knew I needed to pursue some kind of design career.


Following in my father's footsteps, I attended the College of Architecture and Planning at CU Boulder. Much to the chagrin of my admissions counselors, I knew right away that graphic design was my route and that late night architecture studios were not. It took some time to get where I wanted to be, but eventually, I was able to compliment my Bachelors in "Design Studies" with a certificate from the school of Technology, Arts and Media. While attending the University of Colorado, I was actively involved on the Board of Directors for Boulder Freeride, the ski and snowboard club at CU. That is where I discovered my love for marketing, event planning, and project management. I could be creative and a people-person at the same time! Not to say that those two things can't go hand-in-hand...

After graduating in 2012 I backpacked in Europe for 6 weeks and fell head-over-heels in love with culture - all of it. I love hearing different languages, seeing different traditions and finding comfort in being completely out of my element. I returned home in October full of inspiration, aspiring plans to work abroad and without a clue of how I would get there. Great, now what?


In early 2013, I landed a job in marketing at Copper Mountain Resort, where I am today. It wasn't abroad, but it was in my field and that was more than a lot of graduates could say in 2013. My experience in the snow sports industry, and now marketing at Copper has given me the tools to be creative and outgoing at the same time - something I didn't know was possible a few short years ago.


Freehand Collective is my side hustle for now, but I hope to become a full-time freelancer. When I'm not seeking out the next travel destination, you can find me drawing typographic masterpieces, designing wedding invites and creating brand identities. I'm always looking for new design opportunities and great clients who need a little marketing or project management help. Follow my follies on social media or contact me about your project, below. 

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